Marta Gellova, member of LIGS Board of Trustees

11. 15. 2018

Interview with Marta Gellova, member of LIGS University Board of Trustees, President of the European Financial Planning Association (EFPA), Czech Republic, and Board member of EFPA Europe

Marta GellovaAloha, could you please introduce yourself to our readers?

Hello, I am Marta Gellova, the co-founder and President of EFPA (European Financial Planning Association), Czech Republic, and the vice-chairwoman of EFPA Europe. I have extensive experience in finances and as a member of advisory boards in the Government of the Czech Republic. For several years I have been involved in the implementation of professional and ethical standards, certification, and financial education of professionals in the Czech Republic in line with the European Qualifications Framework (EQF). I have actively participated at the Global Money Week, focusing on the financial literacy of children and youth, and the National Strategy of Financial Education.

Where did you hear about LIGS University and what inspired you to take on the role of a board member?

In 2012, after receiving an award at the LIGS Awards event, I accepted an offer to join the Scientific Committee of LIGS University.

What areas are of interest and importance to you as a Board member?

I am interested in strategic alliances, international relations, and finances

What are your goals as a Board member?

To contribute my expertise and knowledge to the further development of our high quality, affordable, and accessible education.

What do you like about working in the field of education?

Education improves potential and brings the satisfaction of personal development. Education makes people better and better people make a better world. I relish the opportunity to contribute and make the world better.

What do you think are the benefits of an online form of education?

Many adults prefer the pursuit of a career instead of seeking further education in the traditional method. Online learning is the most comfortable option for such students. Additionally, it saves time, and it is cost-efficient. It is a modern, flexible and accessible way of learning/studying in today's hectic age.

In your opinion, what are the main reasons for choosing LIGS University as a student?

  • Flexible study programs, modules, and courses in various specializations respecting students’ interests and backgrounds.
  • Several languages.
  • High professional standards.

What do education and personal development mean to you?

Just as I stated in the 5th question, education increases potential and brings with it the satisfaction of personal development. Improve yourself to improve the world.

LIGS University is currently involved in the accreditation process with WASC. Do you see the value of accreditations for universities and for students?

I see value in the added prestige, compliance with US laws and regulations, and a guarantee of quality and professional standards. Additionally, it makes it easier to address US students and students from other countries requiring US standards.

Thank you for your time

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